This concept is 100% owned by Copenhagen Drones and we have submitted a patent for this solution.


Combi-mode consists of to sub-modes: Flight-mode and float-mode. The basic drone, flight-mode, consists of a structure made primarily of carbon fiber and an airframe made of a foam type that can float. Two turbines are attached to the airframe so it acts like a rescue boat.

In the combined mode the drone weighs 45kg which is the maximum takeoff weight and can fly between 1-2 km. When it arrives and is positioned correctly, the drone transforms and the airframe is released from about 2m height over the water surface. There is no mechanical system making it purely based on gravity.

The drone becomes lighter when it releases the airframe and it can stay in the air longer and act like eyes in the sky with telepresence, depending on the previous flight time and wind weather. The float-mode can work in both vertical planes if the boat tips and turns 180 degrees because of the hostile conditions at sea.


Flight mode is based on multirotor technology and has an x-8 configuration with dual-mounted motors. The drone has a max. takeoff weight of 45 kg. and can fly 10 minutes with this payload.

The motorsystem delivers a total maximum thrust of 110kg and has waterproof ESC's and motors. The energy system is based on lithium batteries providing a CO2 neutral operation.

The flight controller and software are both recognised industry standards. The drone is very redundant with both motor, IMU and receiver redundancy for safer operations.

The current communication system allows for 1-2 km range but it can easily be upgraded to a 100 mw 433 mhz system that allows between 4-5 km range. The drones can in principle fly up to 30 km with such a telemetry system, but it will be without option for radio control.

There are different fail safe modes like RTH (return to home) or power cut depending on the situation.

This is the biggest drone made in Denmark and is only the first prototype in a series of heavy lifting drones for rescue operations.


Float-mode is based on the airframe with two electric turbines. The turbines are located opposite each other and can control the boat in both directions. They are attached dynamically and in case of tipping, the turbines can slide back into the water by gravity.

The entire float-mode is designed to work in both vertical axis, so the person is guaranteed greater flexibility. There is also access to first aid kit from both sides.The craddle net in the middle of the boat can be lowered, and it also works in both vertical plans. It can be lowered 1.5m down and save drowned persons on the seabed. The net allows for easy access for the person and the net activated via weight sensors that then pulls up the person and is capable of carrying up to 200 kg.

There are both radio, antenna, lighting system and AIS (Automatic Identification System) on the float-mode.